Saturday, October 22, 2011

Home. Is there any better place?

In mid-September I flew back home for the wedding of an incredible couple who happen to be two of our awesomest friends. It was an incredibly beautiful ceremony, with a gorgeous bride and one heck of a dance party at the reception. I was so honored to be part of the celebration.

Congrats Rob and Ness!!! Your wedding was beyond SPECKtacular!

Along with being home for the wedding I got to enjoy two of my three favorite things - Family/Friend gatherings and the dogs, Basil and Rocky. (+ good food)

We made one of my all time favorites - pizzas on the grill!

How many utensils do you need to open a bottle of pisco? Apparently at least three.

Turns out after flipping through my pictures I actually have none of hanging out with family. But we had so much fun. I guess we were too into catching up on stories and enjoying pisco to stop to snap a photo.

We also got in lots of time at the park.

It was an incredible trip home but as much as I loved it, it didn't feel complete in it's entirety. I felt so cozy in my house, with comfort food, sitting by the fire but I wasn't experiencing it with the one I love the most.

Santiago is only our temporary locale but no matter where I go, home is when I'm with him.

A little more eloquently said by These Guys