Thursday, June 30, 2011

Avenida Italia

Here in Santiago there is a specific street for everything. If you want a bicycle you go to Calle San Diego, if you want fabric you go to Calle Rosas and if you want vintage furniture - you come here to Avenida Italia.

Avenida Italia is the place for salvaged and awesome vintage furniture(plus a few extra antiquey vintagey goodies). During the week I walk up Italia to get to work, I can smell the laquer from a block or so away. During the week all of the furniture shops open up and move their work into the sidewalks sanding, painting, and re-upholstering vintage furniture. But the best time to go is on Saturdays when they put everything out. If we were moving here for good, this is where I would buy all of our furniture.

Being only a few blocks from our flat I love wandering up here on Saturdays to browse the treasures. And I'm always so tempted!

A few of these suitcases would be an awesome chest for the end of a bed...

Look at all that potential in there! Where is the Avenida Italia in Virginia??


  1. Wow....that is way too cool and way too tempting.... too bad you can't figure a way to ship some of that home.....there are some real treasures there.....Can you get one of the suitcases and either talk a visitor in to bringing it back or you could use it when you come home????? :-)

  2. Makes me want to move to Chile and decorate a decaying villa. They have good schools for Penny, right?

  3. jenn this is heaven!
