Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Picnic Downtown

Last weekend Henry and I made a picnic lunch and headed to downtown Santiago. Our destination: Cerro Santa Lucía.

 This hill was conquered by Pedro de Valdivia in December of 1541 where it served as the lookout point during the conquista. In 1820 Fort Hidalgo was built as a defense for the city.

A little more than 50 years later Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, in an aim to improve the city, remodled Santa Lucía Hill by adding a road, the park, fountains and an elaborate entrance.  Located in the middle of downtown it offers a slight escape for visitors from the busy streets.

We enjoyed camembert and crackers.

As well as cucumber sandwiches.


  1. Were you pretending to be british tourists by eating cucumber sandwiches and camembert with crackers? My brother has moved up the ladder from his $1 Tombstone pizzas! :)

    It looks like a beautiful place. Still can't get over how big Santiago is...what a difference from middle of farmland Ohio, huh?

  2. So cool and so interesting!!!! What a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city!!!
