Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Best Day of the Year

Wish we were celebrating today with the family at that one particular harbor. (Silver Lake Harbor, Ocracoke Island, NC)

As Colbert said earlier this week "In honor of thanksgiving I´m doing the whole show  I´ll spend the whole day with my pants unbuttoned."

Thanksgiving is absolutely the best. A day dedicated entirely to friends, family, a frantic  yet fun day in the kitchen and lots of delicious food.  Oh how we will miss it. And to make it even harder… my family is celebrating on Ocracoke Island. So it´s a quadruple whammy -Thanksgiving, Family, Ocracoke and the dogs! Boy are we missing out. Unfortunately we have to work on this turkey day so my idea is to boycott the books and grammar and teach my students all about Thanksgiving.  How it began, why we have it, what we do and of course what we eat!

We are planning a belated "Dia de Gracias" on Saturday at a friend´s house. (a friend who has a much larger kitchen than ours.)  I have been planning out the menu for the last few weeks trying to determine the dishes that I can actually make down here corresponding with the available ingredients. For the most part I think we´ll be able to manage something quite delicious.  I´ll be sure to post all about it after Saturday to let you know the success.

I think today is the most homesick we have been and will be in our whole year here in the southern hemisphere. But despite being homesick,  we are so thankful for all of the wonderful family and friends that we have, our opportunity to live in Chile this year, our health, our happiness and for the many beautiful years we have ahead. What a truly wonderful day this is.

 We miss you all so much and will be thinking of you savoring the turkey, ´taters and pumpkin pie!


1 comment:

  1. I know you were missed by many but you will have wonderful memories of your thanksgiving on Saturday! So grateful you two found each other and have a such a beautiful future ahead....we are all so blessed that get to call you family! Many, many blessings to you two!!!!
