Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stay tuned...

Last week, Lindsay came down to visit us. She brought good news from home, american delicacies that can't be found here (ie goldfish) and lots of stories to catch up on. Stay tuned because I'll be sharing our adventures in the next few days.

Along with snacks and stories she also brought a new charger for my computer so I am back up and running! Hopefully getting back to more regular blogposts again! Thanks for your patience while we had the lack of updates- I'll try and get you caught up on all that we've been up to. Stay Posted!


  1. I will definitely be checking back in....can't wait to read all about your adventures!!! So glad you had a visit from someone from home....and the extra blessing of goodies!!!!

  2. Great picture! I love that even the stairs are painted. Goldfish are an american delicacy? Penelope is a top rate foodie by that measure. Excited to hear about your adventures.

  3. Great picture! Can't wait for updates.
